Hardship After An Auto Accident: How To Avoid Going From Bad, To Worse, To Devastated
While being involved in an automobile accident is in itself a very regrettable experience, there are actually things you can do to make the situation even worse. The following information can help you to avoid creating more hardship and regret that could possibly last a lifetime. It's important to know these things now.
1. Be Overly Attentive To Your Physical Symptoms
Even if you haven't sustained any obvious injuries, your body may still suffer the ill-effects of an accident. Don't dismiss minor aches and pains as "normal" consequences of an impact, have everything checked out by a doctor and follow through with the recommended after-care. Discovering the extent of any bodily harm now means being able to include it in a potential lawsuit, whereas brushing it off may mean future pain and/or loss of employment.
Also, be aware that if you appear able to work, mow the lawn and jog a couple miles as per your usual routine, any pending litigation could be compromised if you're attempting to recover compensation for physical harm.
2. Avoid Discussing The Accident Openly
Until your accident has been fully vetted by a court of law, it's important that you not talk about the details of it to anyone. The information revealed, such as how much pain you're really in or how fast you might have been driving, could come up later and work against your case. Just be brief in your description of what happened to you and careful not to sabotage any proceedings.
3. Understand How Extensive The Damages Might Be
Some people have a difficult time getting back into a vehicle following a collision, meaning your ability to transport yourself to and from work could be in jeopardy. If you're injured at all, especially if it's permanent, your ability to care for your children will be affected. The potential negative repercussions of being in a car crash are numerous and hard to predict; thus, assessing the full spectrum of possibilities is essential to determining a fair claim from the insurance company.
4. Don't Underestimate The Value Of Having The Best Lawyer
Even if the other driver was obviously in error or perhaps intoxicated, no case is cut-and-dry and you're not guaranteed to be awarded anything unless you're able to fight for it in court. That means it's important to have a qualified lawyer, from a place like Walsh Fewkes Sterba, capable of hard negotiations with insurers and one who is willing to go to extra lengths to make the right things happen for you. Choose a lawyer carefully and once you've found the best one for you and your case, work closely and intensely, to ensure the best possible outcome.
5. Keep A Running Journal Of How Your Life Has Been Affected
It will likely take a long time for your court case to proceed through the system and while all that's going on, you have a life to lead. Keeping a written log of how your life has changed as a direct result of the accident will help you keep the information fresh in your mind so you can relay it to your lawyer. Other situations may arise as time passes, such as more extensive injury and emotional trauma and such things are important to consider when seeking a settlement. Your attorney will take future losses you might be facing into consideration moving forward.
6. Consider Downsizing Your Life If Needed
Depending on how severely the accident impacts your life, it may be in your best interest to move into a smaller and/or more affordable home, switch to part-time work, if you're still able to work and attempt other means of minimizing expenses. Law suits can take years and in the meantime, you want to be able to live your life as well as possible. Even if it means selling your boat, motorcycle or other non-necessities, be prepared to do whatever it takes to keep costs manageable.
7. Ask For Help When You Need It
Life can quickly spiral out of control if you can't work or take care of yourself, family and home the way you once did. Despite your strong will to put things back to the way they were and despite the fact that you might not be the type of person to reach out for help, if it becomes necessary, don't hesitate. You need to cut your losses as early on as possible and make the best of the situation. Hopefully, a settlement will start you back on the road to recovering your life; however, you will likely need a hand before reaching that point.
Not too many good things come from auto accidents, but unfortunately, people often make the situations worse by their action or inaction. Handle the situation as best you can, by knowing all of your options and taking advice from the right people. The rest of your life could depend on the decisions you make now.